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The Frankel Plan

George's policy plans focus on enhancing community resources, improving public safety, increasing transparency, supporting vulnerable populations, and strengthening essential services. Through implementation of the below projects we aim to create a safer, more informed, and more resilient community.

RIng Photo Photo by Elisa Morris ©2024.jpg


Increase public input and transparency by adding an opt-in text message program. Once registered, any resident who lives within a 1/4 mile of a property undergoing re-zoning will receive a text listing the TIME, DATE, and LOCATION of the meeting where this new zoning will be discussed.

Emergency Services

We must increase our support for fire and EMS services. They are majorly short-staffed, and all that the county can do to support wage and benefit increases to help retain and recruit both volunteer and paid fire and EMS staff is crucial to keeping our county safe. Additionally, we can enhance public safety by expanding on the City of Wilmington’s anonymous footage submission system,


Create a one-time property tax credit for seniors who see a spike in their property taxes as a result of the looming fall reassessment, the first since 1982.


Create a cooperative afterschool tutoring program between our 6 school districts and 15 county libraries. Use the resources at our county libraries to help our reading proficiency crisis (we are 49th in the nation in reading proficiency).

Land Use

We should make creative use of public land to revitalize these assets for increased benefit to the citizens of New Castle County.

Library Photo by Elisa Morris ©2024-topaz-faceai-sharpen.jpeg

Action Built On Your Feedback

George is driven to understand and design policy solutions for our community's needs. If you have ideas on other areas where George should focus, please write in.

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